Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Timber Carpet Driveway

Today is Day 168 but who's counting... It's also our 60th post. We missed the 50th so I thought I would mention it now. It has been another busy, interesting and expensive week. I think the pictures explain most of what has been happening.

Below is our wood heater which we kept from the old house. We had the plumber out to install last week, but typically had a problem with the roof trusses. He will be back tomorrow as I have reinforced the roof and cut out the support.

The redgum is coming along beautifully.

Neally made it to the wall.

Made it and the last plank fit perfectly.
Carpet has been installed. The house seems so much more livable. We have a bit of vacuuming to do.

The driveway made a start yersterday.
I love all the big toys these guys have...
I'm sure the concreter wont mind this picture. The drive sweeps down really well and is not as steep as we expected.

The concrete was poured today. Due to the expected weather over the next few days the rest will be done next week hopefully.
The stamping patterns.
The curve in the drive was tricky so I have been told. It has come up really well.

Final touches.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well I'm now on holiday sitting back and relaxing in our new house. Hardly - too much to do. I think this is a record number of photos in this post. There's still a few items which need attention and a few new ones which we found on the weekend. All small and easy to fix\touch up.

Below a beautiful Congratulations from the 'Childs' and matching photo. Also a bunch of flowers from close friends.

The stereo - the single most important item to bring into the house first.

The first job on Monday morning was to scrap the rubbish off the floor where the flooring is going to be. I had kneepads on and still have sore knees. Lots of vacuuming. Dust everywhere. The timber flooring was delivered on Friday. This stuff is heavy. We are installing solid 125 x 19mm Redgum Multi-Plank flooring.
Next step was to lay plastic over the area that will have timber flooring. This acts is a moisture barrier.
More up the hall way. Attractive don't you think.
The next day I finished laying the plastic and started on the 3mm underlay which is even heavier than the wood.
Covering the living room was quick. You can see the feature wall all finished. Took the painters heaps of coats to get it right.
Progressing through the hallway. I have skipped the pantry and under the stairs.
Made it to the front door.

After a long day I just started to seal the underlay with sealing tape to further protect the timber from moisture. So far so good. I am enjoying actually doing the work rather than watching someone else do the work.
Wednesday morning, finishing off the underlay and sealing it together.
Now where to start. We have the carpet guys coming on Monday so I need to make sure that they can butt the carpet upto the wood. So I need to have the timber layed to the lounge below, study door and rumpus doors.
Working out the spacing and measurements.

More spacing and getting the first few planks nice and straight.
Making more progress.
Study doors. I have cutout the bottom of the doorjams so the timber will slide under.
Time to go home. Today was shorter than the first two.
I really love opening the packets of wood to discover the different patterns. The ones I like the best are being set aside . A few nice pieces will be placed in areas as a feature.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Hi Everyone,
Sorry, there are no photos to show you today. Nothing much has changed over the weekend. We have some Canadians visiting at the moment so we have not spent a lot of time at the house.
I did manage to finish cleaning the kitchen cupboards last night and emptied the boxes that Mike brought back from storage but there are so many boxes with kitchen things still in storage that it was difficult to know where to put anything, so I have left most of it out on the benches :-)
Mike left very early this morning to continue cleaning the concrete floor so that he can start the underlay for the timber floor. I am hoping he gets a lot done before next Monday as we have booked the carpet people for Monday-Tuesday next week.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Driveway, Roller door, Inspection

We learnt something from our SS yesterday. It is possible to shut the garage door even without power so we took a photo for you. This photo also shows the mud which we are trying to replace with a concrete driveway. We had 3 concreters organised to do quotes today. The first guy turned up late but he did ring, the second guy was so late we could only talk to him for 5 mintues and one didn't show at all. We had a different one ring before lunch to arrange a time and he showed up, just a few minutes late. So now we have 2 written quotes and 2 guys going to ring us on Monday or Tuesday with the quotes. The 2 quotes we have so far are $3,500 different!!!!
Here we have Teagan discussing the sink with our SS. She loves the vegie sprayer tap.
Marita and Mini are checking out the pantry sink. I'm sure we will have to teach Mini not to use the vegie sprayer to "get" people.
A picture of the toilet in the powder room just for you Homeoners! We know how you love pictures :-)
The tiles in the powder room have been cleaned again, they look much nicer now.
There is still an orange tag from the BSS inspector on the laundry wall, SS has advised the painter will be fixing this next week.
This is one squeaky stair! Teagan is whispering into Mike's ear that SS is too heavy for the stairs. Mike is quickly telling her to behave herself.
This is the view out of Teagan's bedroom window (Bed 2). Mike still wants to have a flying fox out the window to the tree!!
I get the feeling Mini is going to be a little Monkey, we will have to teach him/her not to swing on the rails! B&P, this photo is for you, we were surprised that we have different rails to you in the wardrobes.

SS and Mike are discussing a couple of spots in the bathroom, only needed 2 blue dots in here.

Here is Boy Mini checking out the view from his room (Bed 4). The house next door is still being painted so you can just see a pink wall at the moment if you climb up and look out, at least you can see trees and sky normally.
SS is explaining to the whole M&M family that the cabinet doors in the ensuite just need to be adjusted so they line up properly, they are actually the right size.
Mike and SS are having a private word outside...
Looks like there was a slight disagreement...