Below is our wood heater which we kept from the old house. We had the plumber out to install last week, but typically had a problem with the roof trusses. He will be back tomorrow as I have reinforced the roof and cut out the support.

The concrete was poured today. Due to the expected weather over the next few days the rest will be done next week hopefully.
WOW!!!! I loved looking at all those photos!!! Mike you have done a great job with the redgum, it looks so fantastic. Carpet looks really nice too. Are you happy with it all? Well done. And I love love love the driveway, looks great, your front is going to look wonderful when it is all finished.
When do you hope to move in "properly". You must be so pleased to see all these things come together. Very excited for you all! (can you tell!)
My Mum and Dad arrive this weekend so if you see some nosy people in your street it will be us, I'd like to show them what the house and bricks will look like ;-)
Hi Toni, We plan on moving in as soon as we have power. I'm almost living there now. It's a bit cold though...
Absolutely sensational! The place is really looking good, and you've done an outstanding job on the flooring. Any idea on the power?
Looks really Great guys - so much happening. You've done well with the timber flooring and your Carpet choice is nice too.
Is there a hold up on why the power is not on yet? Is it a convoluted process to get it switched on via the power company? Something we should need to take into account?
Hi Guys, Yep, Mike has done a great job with the flooring :-)
We are waiting for the power company to come and install the underground pit. SS has advised it will take approx one week to finish things off once the pit is done. T&L - if you are getting underground power, make sure you have received and signed your paperwork at least 6 weeks before you expect handover. Our problem was that they didn't send the paperwork out on time even though SS and Mike were hassling them.
WOW - absolutely sensational, guys - you must be thrilled to bits - actually Mike if you're there at night, YOUmust be chilled to bits, the nights have been so cold! All worth it, though! ;-)
Didn't you have to put the underground pit in first??? PD were going to charge us $800 to use o/head power, so we thought it would be better to put that towards underground power, which we did prior to site scrape.
Noticed you already have some blinds - fantastic - no "sheets in the windows!!!LOL!
Triple Wow! Looks absolutely great. Really interesting to watch from our point of view as we are only at the beginning of our journey with PD. Have to say the driveway looks great - love the colour. You must be really happy with the timber flooring but no doubt exhausted from all the work. Thanks for showing all that detail. G&V
M&M. Just love that driveway and timber floor.
Well done.
the drive way, carpet, and flooring look really great. Really like the pattern in the concrete.
M&M's the drive looks really great, can you let me know who you used as that is exactly the concrete style we were after.
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