Hi All, I think we missed a month or so. We'll have to include a few blogs on what we have been doing over the past weeks. To sum it all up - Lots of work. Here's a few photos we took where the kitchen is reasonably clean. This weekend I will run around the house with the camera and provide a big update. We only just had the internet installed and today I am posting this while at work.

We need to buy a couple of couches

I need to cut down the small window blinds over the cooktop before I can put them up.

The table is actually for the Alfresco but is just fine for now in the house.

The upstand servery works well. The corner cabinet is a pain. It would be great to change it to be like Andy's...

The phone has been connected - just need something to put it on.

We have fitted the old kitchen cabinets into the pantry. Fit perfectly. We just need to buy some handles.

The carpet is great. We had no problems with Carpet Court installers.

I also added some drawers and shelves to our WIR which we kept from the old house.

Yes we have power too. This is another story which I'll go into detail later. Promise to update again soon.