Tuesday, June 10, 2008

True Colors

Day 116 - Lots of painting to do in a double story house!!! All the internal doors were hung back up today, all nice and glossy. The front doors are looking good too. This should match perfectly with the 'pink' garage door...

I'm so tempted to remove the black tape from the windows to see how it will look. We have also noted that other cremornes have green plastic covering the windows. I'll be checking for any scratches as I assume that the plastic protects the glass.

Anyway, everything is progressing well. I'm meeting the tiler tomorrow to ensure we all understand what needs to be tiled.

Nice glossy front door.
The high study doors.
Boy mini's BIR. Looking forward to some handles around the place.
Study with the corner. T&L you did well to have it removed.
Servery all plastered and painted.
The showers have had their third coat of sealer which is a gray color. Very disappointed - should be red.
The stair case needs a few more coats.
The old outdoor table has certainly done the rounds. The chairs have wood, cement, plaster and now paint all over them. At least the paint is in the lounge room instead of the kitchen bench.
This picture of me was taken around the 3 week mark. Its now week 16. Big difference since then.


Toni said...

Nice to put a face to your name Mike. Huge difference yes!!! I saw your front doors on Sunday, kids and I had a peek while visiting my sister. They look great! Love your stair case! Now was that a clue in regards to the colour of what mini is going to be? Love the high doors on the study, we couldn't have these as the internal doors we selected don't come in a high set. Good work. Paintwork looks great, you must be getting close to handover? What's the difference between you two and B&P now?

Bernadette and Perry said...

It's getting so close you can smell it! Better start packing some boxes now.

Now I have a photo to give to those nice people at Mitre 10....

Carolyn Childs said...

You don't look alot different since week 3 - maybe a few grey hairs now !!
You couldn't resist with the stairs could you ? I quite like that colour scheme !!
Does mini get a different room if she's a girl ?
It all looks fantastic !!

Unknown said...

It's Louise.
What do you like best about your house Aunty Rita ?
That's all.

Petal said...

So it's a blue mini, is it??? I've had lots of practice with those - LOL!!! Yes, that staircase is something special....I think it WAS you at Geelong Mitre 10!
Looking good- can't wait to see more photos ;)